ETE on PBS Scitech Now

The Episodic Table Of Elements has officially made its television debut in the latest episode of SciTech Now on PBS! I appear in the first segment of the episode, which includes an interview with Hari Sreenivasan followed by an excerpt of Episode 1, Hydrogen, with some complementary visuals underneath. Plus, you can sneak a peek at what the show’s Periodic Table Of Episodes archive will look like once it’s completely filled with episodes!

I think this is just about as cool as rubidium, and I’m extremely grateful to the kind and hardworking people at SciTech Now and WNET/Thirteen. The show airs at different times on different stations, so check your local listings to tune in to future episodes, or stream them online.

48. Cadmium: Don’t You Know That You’re Toxic?

Cadmium will let you choose among a range of orange-ish hues, but it’s some pretty awful news if you contract the “cadmium blues.”

Continue reading “48. Cadmium: Don’t You Know That You’re Toxic?”

47. Silver: Our Own Image

Silver is more than just a precious metal. It’s also a reflection of ourselves.

Continue reading “47. Silver: Our Own Image”

Please Hold

Hello folks, just a quick update here to let you know I’m not planning on releasing a new episode on Monday, October 7, per the regular schedule. I’ve been pressed for time these past two weeks, so episode 47 will be posted at 6am on Monday, October 14, instead.

I hate delaying an episode, but I want to publish my best work as much as you deserve to hear something that hasn’t been rushed. When the episode is released, I hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait.