New Video Episode: Hydrogen

A couple months ago, I published the zeroth episode of the program set to video. Now I’m pleased to release the next video in the series, Hydrogen.

This is both considerably longer in length and, in my humble opinion, much richer in terms of the content it presents. Often, the program’s content would benefit from a visual presentation alongside my audio narration, and I believe this episode proves that.

This was enormous fun to put together, and while it’s still clearly the work of a neophyte video editor, I’m quite pleased.

If the title sequence that begins at 0:47 looks more impressive, that’s because it was created by Aaron Eisenhauer, who is a professional videographer/editor/producer, and a very talented one at that.

The sad news about all this is that this required a colossal amount of work to put together. All told, it probably took me 40 to 50 hours just to set all these visuals to pre-existing audio. I’m sure I could cut that time down with practice, but that’s not time I can afford to spend at this juncture. (After all, I have new audio episodes to produce!)

Regardless, I hope you enjoy. We’ll continue with our regularly scheduled program to discuss Iodine next Monday, January 13. (Sorry, folks! A bad bout with the flu delayed this episode. It’ll be live on Monday, January 28 at 6am. Thank you for your patience!)

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