Happy Monday

Hi folks,

I know it’s been a while since our last episode, Actinium. I would’ve liked to post Thorium tomorrow, November 29, but alas, the fates decided against that. Even for a year that’s been more hectic than usual, the past few weeks have been especially full.

Truly, it would be impossible for 2022 to be more disruptive to the podcast schedule than this year has been! (Famous last words, I know…)

Thanks for hanging in there. When we do get around to thorium, we’ll hear tales of another lady pioneer of chemistry, hopes for the green fuel of tomorrow, and New York City’s trendiest Superfund site.

Nuclear fuel plates submerged in water, showing the blue light of Cherenkov radiation.

89. Actinium: The Windup… And The Pitchblende

We all know that radioactive rocks glow in the dark, except they actually don’t, except for when they actually do.

Continue reading “89. Actinium: The Windup… And The Pitchblende”

meep meep

T. R. Appleton wearing a homemade costume of Beaker, the muppet, for Halloween.
This year’s podcast-appropriate Halloween costume, which my wife very kindly made for me.

Happy Halloween, folks! Hope you had a safe Samhain and are all knee-deep in sweets — or at least basking in the golden glow of late autumn.

No new episode today, but next up will be actinium. So long as I stay on schedule, that will post next Monday, November 8.

88. Radium: Several Sordid Affairs

Out of all the characters who encounter radium in this episode, the only one to emerge unscathed is the guy who comes face-to-face with Satan.

Continue reading “88. Radium: Several Sordid Affairs”