Please Hold

Hello folks, just a quick update here to let you know I’m not planning on releasing a new episode on Monday, October 7, per the regular schedule. I’ve been pressed for time these past two weeks, so episode 47 will be posted at 6am on Monday, October 14, instead.

I hate delaying an episode, but I want to publish my best work as much as you deserve to hear something that hasn’t been rushed. When the episode is released, I hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait.

Out Of Office

Hello, folks! Just a reminder that I am currently traveling and have limited access to the internet, so there’s no new episode today. Please tune in on Monday, April 22 to learn why bromine might make you cry.

Until then, it would mean the world to me if you would consider rating the show on iTunes (hit “View in iTunes” on that page) or Stitcher (scroll to the bottom), or linking to the show from your social media platform of choice.

As ever, I’m very grateful to have you as a listener.

29. Copper: Wires Crossed

We get lost in the woods with a couple of little guys in today’s episode, and learn about a lesser-known American Civil War.

Continue reading “29. Copper: Wires Crossed”